The Dawn Uprising
The Dawn Uprising, also known as the First Falkorian Liberation War, was an armed insurrection launched by Slavic and Norse Falkorian nationalists in December 18th 1922-Feburary 11th 1926. The armed conflict started in The Foggy Isles county in the Eastern Falkorian North. The uprising consisted of multiple insurections across the entire occupied territory divided into the Western Insurrection and the Eastern Insurrection.
The enirety of The Foggy Isles County was liberated in 1923 after the capture of Valkraija and Prince Lake.
In 1926 the Eastern half of the Rosmouton province was captured by Falkorian resistance forces declaring the state of Free Falkoria.
The Foggy Isles 1922s
Western Falkorian Rebels circa. 1923