Second Earth

Dawn of the Ishoszin North

Communist Kospor has sent an influencial Falkorian poet to a prison camp, there he fell into a coma and his body was fed to the officers. Well, that last part may just be Falkorian propaganda. You see, the Falkorians are decedents of a Northern tribe known as the nation of "Fazkora" which origininated in the distant land of Cjoska. They are distance cousins of the Ostroriik, also from Cjoska, the Ostroriik's sailed away from the land and many months later shipwrecked into what is now Port Koshyae by Bjorka Likrustra a moon warrior from the Jarldom of Obra. Bjorka is an Ostroriik with connections with the Fazkora, he was a folk hero among them but a fool amongst the rest of the Ostroriik. Bjorka knew they landed on a distanct continenent, and it hasn't been discovered since then. Many events passed and the Fazkor and Ostroriik's founded Falkoria (old Kingdom). Bjorka along with other fleeing Ostroriiks sailed south and founded the nation of Ostristia.

  It is uncertain where the Kospor people came from, some say they are decendents of the Slavs that eventually landed in West Falkoria. Some say they are a lost tribe of slavs, some say they come from the mountains of Ezera. What is known is that they lead a ruthless union. They became communists in the modern era but almost secretely imperial, invading nation by nation for them to consume in their vast empire. Falkoria ended up being one of Kospor's colonies.


 December 18th, 1936.

 Xander Nizrerbiev was arrested, a poet that brought and peace amongst the cold Falkorian lands. Xander wrote romantical stories of the fragility of relationships and wonders of what it might be like to live amongst the stars. Xander also worked in the community and was a renouned medical scientist. He was also a political activist, but almost secretely. In a lot of his poems he cryptically sewed the instructions of reveloution. The Kospors found this out, arrested him, and killed him.

  Yura Soule is among a rare race of Kvosh known as "Soul" Kvosh, coincidently Yura's last name is just a slight alternate spelling of the race he is apart of. Though his last name doesn't come from his race despite the simularities. His peoples are from Vsjoriem an island located in the far North Western Coast of Cjoska. His name is Fazkor of nature, meaning "Sky Spirit."

 He was born in Febuary 3rd 1900 in the Falkorian Yuskir province. Yura's native language is Russian and he learned the Kospor language in school. At this time, Falkoria was a colony of the KPSU (Kospor People's Socialist Union). In 1914 Yura fought in The Great War on the Ishosz front combating against Medror and in 1916 was sent to across the ocean to the Erzan front.

 The war ended in 1918 with a Kospor victory. Kospor was one of the first to adopt the extreme communist ideals at the time and as a result of this war many other nations adopted this approach in politics.

 There was a civil war in Kospor in 1900 and ended in 1906 which resulted in the communist parties victory.

In 1931 Yura was arrested. Post Great War, Yura was out of the military and with the great depression struggled to survive, so he resulted in becoming a hardened criminal. Robbing government institutions, committing acts of terrorism, stealing food, all of this done to help himself and his other comrades that were also out of the military in order for survival.

 In 1932 spending only a few months in a labor camp, Yura escaped and live on the run.

 Yura became inspired by the writings of Nizrerbiev. Seeing how the communist government was incompetant and provided no solution for the depression, threatning the world with another great war among many other human rights violations, Yura discovered the coded formula found within the poetry of Nizrerbiev that was to spark reveloution. Thus, Yura begun a silent reveloution by publishing illegal newspapers.


-Gulag Camps in Tsebri

-Protest of Utenshur

-Fazkor Massacare of 1935

-Ethnic cleansing

-Falkorian Famine of 1923


Then the arrest of Nizrerbiev was the nail in the coffin that caused the Falkorian Liberation War.

To Kospor, the beginning of this war was nothing more than an annoyance, then it grew..bigger and bigger. Eventually the government realised that this small protest, was actually an uprising. It reached high when Yura's squad captured a Kospor warship.


This is where the story begins, with Yura, his comrades and the future of the Falkorian Rise.